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AI competence at the University of Bayreuth

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Press releases AI projects of the UBT

Here you can find press releases of research projects with participation of the University of Bayreuth

Fighting forest fires with artificial intelligence: New research project with the University of Bayreuth

Artificial intelligence should soon make it possible to detect forest fire hazards earlier than before and to fight forest fires more effectively. This is the goal of the joint project "AI-based Forest Monitoring - Artificial Intelligence for Early Detection of Forest Fire Events (KIWA)", in which the University of Bayreuth is participating with its research competencies in biogeography and disturbance ecology. The German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) is funding the project for the next two years with a volume of around 1.8 million euros.

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Artificial intelligence (AI) for innovative school teaching

From traditional classrooms to teamwork learning environments: The University of Bayreuth has received a €1 million grant from the European Union for a STEM project that aims to promote deeper learning through AI learning facilitators in appropriate learning environments.

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