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AI competence at the University of Bayreuth

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Artificial intelligence (AI) has rapidly gained enormous importance in science, business, education and society. Thanks to advances in AI research and the application of these powerful algorithms and self-learning systems, we can now understand complex relationships, gain new insights and effectively support people through autonomous systems. As a result, artificial intelligence is already shaping our everyday lives and will have a decisive impact on our future. Therefore, it is necessary to get involved in the present in shaping the topic and impact of artificial intelligence. In order to effectively shape this future, we not only need developments in the field of AI research and the basic areas on which it is based (computer science, mathematics & engineering), but also fields in which AI solutions are to be applied, e.g. in the areas of health, law or education. These solutions need the cooperation of AI experts and experts from the application areas in order to find suitable solutions and thus systematically bring about facilitations and improvements for society as a whole. 

Against this background, the University of Bayreuth made the strategic decision at an early stage to implement AI-related research and knowledge transfer both in the basic form and with direct application reference - and therefore to incorporate AI in the entire depth and breadth of the university disciplines. With support from the High-Tech Agenda Bavaria, the University of Bayreuth has systematically expanded Bayreuth's AI competencies over the last few years and built up AI capacities across the board in the various faculties. The University of Bayreuth thus occupies a unique leadership position in Europe - it meets the systemic opportunities and challenges of AI with a system-wide approach. Based on this cross-faculty AI research competence, the university also offers innovative study programmes in teaching, which will enable students across the disciplines to become AI users and AI actors.

To the chairs and professorships

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